
South Jacksonville Presbyterian

Worship Service: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

About Us


Over 100 Years in Jacksonville, FL

Worshiping God and Serving Others

South Jacksonville is a Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation. It has been worshiping God and serving others for over 100 years in the San Marco neighborhood of Jacksonville, FL. We desire to thrive not just in numbers but in spiritual development and continue as a relevant light in our community and the world.

More than just lofty ideals, we are undertaking the needed changes that will enable us to express Gospel truths in meaningful ways.

  • We are active in local and global mercy and justice ministries (including being founding partners of many like UCOM, HabiJax, and others).
  • We are expanding with additional ministries that are consistent with Jesus’ inclusive teachings.


Where God Has Us Now

Although we feel a faithful responsibility to continue to build upon the legacy established before us, South Jacksonville Presbyterian Church directs its energy into the time and place where God has us now, balancing the gifts and traditions with spiritual guidance as to what our evolving mission looks like.

We Believe

We believe we are entering a radical time which calls for emphasis on authentic connection, community engagement and utilizing change as a positive impetus for new life in Christ.

We Are

We are fostering a collaborative community that engages authentically with our surrounding neighbors without strings attached, illuminating our desire to connect more deeply.

We Extend

We extend a “come as you are” invitation and desire people who share our vision to live out the power of the resurrection in an innovative way.  

Through genuine pastoral care, heartfelt family ministry and patient navigation within God’s word, we feel empowered to press onward towards the upper call of God in Christ Jesus. We invite everyone to come along – regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, class, or any other aspect of God’s beautifully diverse Creation that has too often been used to divide and diminish others.